
Adam Hribar (DOP), Bruce Baldini (actor), and Cedric Middleton shooting a scene for 24 Frames Lalla
Adam Hribar (DOP), Bruce Baldini (actor), and Cedric Middleton shooting a scene for 24 Frames Lalla

I believe there are two ways to relieve suffering when making a film. The first way is obvious: the film that the audience watches and experiences. The second way is in the actual making of the film.

Shooting a film should not be an awful process where everyone deals with the hierarchy of egos. Even though production is strenuous, it should also be enjoyable, and at times it can even be fun. If cast and crew are all hired correctly and appropriately, then they should each feel as if they are expressing themselves.

Expression happens technically and artistically, and hopefully, the two cross. But even if the story is being told more conventionally, there should always be technical expression.

- my notes

- notes