

1;00pm EST - TICKETS - Pay What You Can

7:00pm EST - TICKETS - Pay What You Can

8:45pm EST - TICKETS - Pay What You Can


Joy Marzec is a filmmaker devoted to stories of outsiders, visionaries, and radical souls searching for meaning. She has written, directed, and produced feature films and shorts in the U.S. and internationally, winning awards for writing and directing at festivals like the Santa Fe International Film Festival and the NY Independent Film Festival.

Her next film, Eclipse of the Holy Fool, takes place in a politically fractured neighborhood on the brink of a riot. At the center of the chaos is Holy Fool, an ex-convict with a violent past and a spiritual perspective, caught between two warring factions. Can she shift their perspectives, or will she be swallowed by the fire?

Imagine Joan of Arc dropped into the middle of Do the Right Thing.

Joy wrote this film to explore one urgent question—what happens when you introduce a true seeker into a world consumed by division and rage? Can she bring light to the darkness, or is she doomed to be extinguished?

This is a film born from the fire of our times, speaking to the soul of 2025.

Joy will shoot the film in Philly fall of 2025.