All Necessities Needed

plot cards
plot cards

Writing was challenging today. I did everything I could to avoid starting. All necessities were needed to do the work.

It’s hard to know if a scene is working after the 1000th read.

I wanted to cut the rock throwing scene but I really can’t tell if it’s terrible or not so for now I’ll leave it. Give it space.

It’s become apparent that cutting half the pages from the script has meant rewriting the damn thing. Now that I’m half way through it’s not as painful. Also, I’ve resigned to the fact that the script is better for it and in two years when I’m sitting in a theater watching it with an audience I’ll be grateful for every minute spent on this rewrite.

It occurred to me recently that I don’t have any belief in myself. Self belief hasn’t mattered one day. It’s this almost psychotic need for creating that has pushed me to tell these stories, never self belief.


I've been finding inspo for the Holy Fool character in this Yoko Ono song.